Tuesday 1 September 2015

Top Ten Tuesdays: Nostalgic Childhood Memories

1. Christmas - How would Christmas not be on this list? Christmas was one of my favourite days of the year, and still is. When I was younger, Christmas was all about family, our house would've been filled with many family members, and my mum loved cooking, and me and my brothers loved presents! Plus, we always have porridge on Christmas, which is my fav breakfast

2. Snow Day - I hate the cold, so this is a weird one for me, but having the day off school... just because it was snowing!

3. Being Put To Bed - being tucked into bed, what more could you want?

4. Southwold - when you look through at childhood photos of my family, I think every other photo is shot in Southwold... our family has a real problem.. 

5. Bike Rides To (Nearly) Bedford - I live in a little village, and it has a 5-6 mile cycle path to our local town, and we used to cycle part way down it when we were kids with dad, and mum would meet us to however far we got before we got tired, and then we'd have a picnic, and then turn round and cycle home. The first time I made it all the way to Bedford was like one of the biggest achievements of my life at that point... little things

6. Going To The Village Playing Fields - We all went down together, Tom would play football with his friends, Sam would play in the park stuff, and I would sit there and draw... we were really cool kids.

7. Imaginary Games With My Brother - We didn't really have TV when I was younger, we only had channel 1, 2, 3 and 4 till I was nearly 10, and so we used to make dens, and pretend we were harry potter characters, or pretend our bikes were cars. Me and my little brother were best friends.

8. Easter Days At Lower School - I went to a Church of England School, and we would go for Easter Sunday to school to take part in lots of Eastery activities, like making marsipan, and making little gardens in empty ice cream tubs. These days were really where I got into doing arty stuff, as my lower school was tiny, and so didn't really have an art dept.

9. Watching Simpsons Once A Week - yes, when I was younger Simpsons was only every Wednesday, and we would all sit down together, always with popcorn, and watch it... 

10. Harry Potter - I still remember going to see the first film in the cinema. Everyone in my family loved Harry Potter, and we had the books, the film, and the computer game... oh we could never finish the quidditch level

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