Monday 27 July 2015

This or That

High End/Drugstore

I don't own many High End products, so I feel I'm a little bias in this question, so I'm all about the Drugstore, the products here are perfect for me, and they're all so affordable, which is perfect for me, because I have a slight shopping problem.. haha


This is one of those things where if you have naturally straight hair you want it to be curly, if you have curly you want it to be straight... I naturally have straight hair, and although it makes it easily manageable, sometimes I wish it was naturally curly so it actually did something, my hair doesn't hold curls because it's so long, so...


Although I love jumpers and Christmas, nothing beats the sun, the warmth, the seaside and everything that comes along with Summer. A blue sky instantly puts a smile on my face, so I'm definitely a Summer girl


I basically live off tea, and don't like coffee... so this is easy, tea all the way

Late Night/Early Morning

I'm really not very good at late nights, I get grouchy, and I'm one of those people who are far more productive in the morning, so I'm definitely an Early Morning person.


I only really watch TV on Netflix, which I am obsessed with, but not sure if that counts as TV or not... and so, I guess it's YouTube, I love to binge watch Beauty Bloggers or Cover Artists for hours... because I have too much spare time..


Well, I live in the South (I spend half the year in Southampton, how South can you get?!), and I hate being cold, and so it has to be South


I'm terrible of walking in Heels, and I'm all about comfort, plus I'm only 1cm shorter than my boyfriend, and so I'm all about the flats.

Night In/Night Out

I don't really drink, and I love sitting at home in my PJs, with my family or friends, binge watching Netflix with my cuppa, so I'm definitely a Night In person


I am a slight shopaholic, and I'm terrible at Saving, so I guess it has to be Spending... 

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